Maison Michel Pop-Up Store + Photo Contest!

For those who follow me on Instagram might have noticed already, about my recent participation in Maison Michel Photo Contest
Started last November, open until the end of June 2014, the Maison Michel Pop-Up Store located next to the Chanel flagship store on Rue Cambon, 19 Rue Cambon Paris
Maison Michel, the hat brand by Chanel’s head of jewellery Laetitia Crahay, has been mentioned several times in my blog. The earliest could go back to the time when I first started blogging for Vogue Japan in Tokyo. I met my very first Maison Michel hat in Restir, Tokyo where I worked part-time during my 4th year of college life in Japan. “It is made in the same place and by the same designer from Chanel.”was how I was told by my colleague, that one single sentence explains enough of its value.

Similar to the story of Chanel’s early career, Coco Chanel started her fashion business by selling hats to her friends. Maison Michel’s creative director Laetitia has made the Pop-Up Store as a friend-welcoming cozy salon, and the muses of her design are mostly her close friends and family.

#Maison Michel look book postcard shoot by Karl Lagerfeld, including friends of Laetitia who have be truly supportive to her works, Lou Doillon, Sasha Pivovarova are one of them. Laetitia wears the bunny mask in the last photo. Guests are welcome to keep the postcards for free.

Maison Michel Pop-Up Store Photo Contest!(中文)

不知道有沒有人注意到我最近在Instagram上參加的”Maison Michel Photo Contest”?

從去年11月開始,原訂開到今年三月底的Maison Michel Pop-up store,由於Pop-up store大成功而目前正計劃延長開至六月底。店址位於巴黎康朋街上的香奈兒總店一旁,19 Rue Cambon Paris

”細節”的故事:拜訪織品設計師Ejing Zhang

初次認識姊姊英國大學的學妹嫕婧是何時在哪裡,確切地已經想不太起來了。或許是在RCA一年級的展上,或許是更早之前在Chelsea時曾照過面,也或許是某次在倫敦中國城吃飯的場合裡碰見的。總之,和她開始有比較深一點的接觸時,是在米蘭傢俱展結束後一起去西西里島的時候。對這個女孩印象最深刻的就是“顏色很漂亮”這件事情。在義大利時她頂著ㄧ頭酒紅色的頭髮,穿著藍底白點的Cath kidston雨衣,背著編織著彩色線條的相機皮帶,在倫敦街頭相遇時,她穿著踩著雨點的薄荷綠的皮鞋(並為了淺色皮鞋被雨水打濕而碎碎念..),淡藍綠相間的毛衣配上淺棕色的皮夾克,脖子上掛著自己手工做的飾品。不管是對衣服的搭配或是她隨手拍照的影像,記憶中的她是一個對“色彩”很有天分的女孩子。

織品設計師Ejing Zhang 張嫕婧

在一次湊巧和London Fashion Week同時舉行的London Design Festival造訪倫敦時,我又再次碰到了她。這次的機會讓我接觸到了更多關於這個擅長于顏色中國女孩的故事和她的作品,並得以到訪嫕婧在倫敦的住家工作室參觀她的創作。